wechat: math-box



  • 1. sepal length in cm
  • 2. sepal width in cm
  • 3. petal length in cm
  • 4. petal width in cm
  • 5. class:
    -- Iris Setosa
    -- Iris Versicolour
    - - Iris Virginica

试验时,用一些新的样本进行测试,这些样本来源于原始数据集,但是从训练集中删除。 未对算法优化时,测试了几种计算正确性。

the 1 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 2 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 3 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 4 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 5 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 6 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 7 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 8 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 9 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 10 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 11 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 12 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 13 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 14 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 15 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 16 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 17 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 18 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 19 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 20 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 21 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 22 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 23 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 24 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 25 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 26 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

The prediction accuracy is 1.000000	

the 1 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 2 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 3 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 4 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 5 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 6 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 7 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 8 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 9 object predicion class is Irissetosa
 , the real object is Irissetosa

the 10 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 11 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 12 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 13 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 14 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 15 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 16 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisversicolor

the 17 object predicion class is Irisversicolor
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 18 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 19 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 20 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 21 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 22 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 23 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 24 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 25 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

the 26 object predicion class is Irisvirginica
 , the real object is Irisvirginica

The prediction accuracy is 0.961538	
预测结果准确性为96.15% 另外对其他几中学习方法也进行了测试,见下表
学习算法 正确率
LDA 76.92 %
QDA 100.00%
NKNN 96.15%
BAYSE 100.00%

在Iris分类中,完整贝叶斯学习方法取得了100%的准确性。该类测试效果较为理想。而LDA中由于把所有类型的数据用同一个协方差,因此分类准确率较低。 实际应用中,可以针对数据选择性能较好的分类器。